miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Contest Results


 "Miss & Mr Snow" by Io Eternal

More Contestants:

"Santa Pee"  by Cristina Remsen

"En busca del Grinch" By Viento Avril

By Nadiemekiere Adamzcyk

Out of Contest:

"Miss & Mr Snow 2" By Io Eternal

"Estrella fractal sobre Diotima" By Red Bikcin

Thank you so much all contestants and congrats to Io Eternal!
Magnetize-Unit Art wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Merry Christmas Contest

(English) ɱ℮ՐՐץ  ςɧՐίSƬɱΔs & ɧΔǷǷץ  ηҽω ץҽΔՐ

Our Snowman want to travel!! Take free in the notice the MagnetiZe Snowman and/or Snowwoman and do a picture with them of one of them in some place or situation in sl.
You can use Photoshop or any software to edit the picture.
If you haven't yet the Snowman, you can take it free in the enter of our gallery:


Theme for picture is free so alow you're mind be crazy.
Only award of 1.000 lindens to best original picture.
If you are interest in our contest, send you're picture to this mail:
(Dont forget write on mail you're avatar name in Second Life)
Deadline for delivery Saturday 22th at 3am slt

(In this blog you will can see the Winner picture and the rest of contestants in few weeks)

Good Luck!
(Spanish)Ŧ℮Լί乙 ηΔ√ίDΔמ Dץ  ǷՐØSǷ℮ՐØ ΔÑØ ηƲҼVØ

Nuestro Muñeco de nieve quiere viajar! Coge de forma gratuíta en el aviso nuestro muñeco y/o muñeca de nieve MagnetiZe y haz una fotografía con ellos o uno de ellos en algún lugar o situación de Second Life.
Puedes utilizar Photoshop o cualquier software de edición de la fotografía.
Si todavía no tienes tu muñeco de nieve puedes cogerlo gratis en la entrada de nuestra galería:


 El tema de la fotografía es libre así que permite que la locura llegue a tu mente.
Un único premio de 1.000 lindens a la fotografía más original.
Si estás interesado/a en participar en el concurso, envía tu foto a este mail:
(No te olvides de escribir en el mail el nombre de tu avatar de Second Life)
Fecha máxima de entrega próximo sábado 22 de diciembre a las 3am slt ( 12 am RLT Spain)

(Las fotografías tanto ganadora como las demás participantes se expondrán 
en este blog en unas semanas)

Buena suerte!

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012


Current Art December-January

~●•MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•●~
~Jadeyu Fhang~
~Tani Thor~

•Musical Performance By Ultraviolet Alter & Morlita Quan


~●•Promotional Machinima By Morghana Savira from PyramidCafeTv•●~

~Jadeyu Fhang~
[[ Jadeyu In ~MagnetiZe~ UniT Art]] :

Jade Art Sim "Song Bird": 

Jadeyu Gallery:

More Works:

~Tani Thor~
Tani Thor in MagnetiZe~Unit Art~

Tani Thor came into being one cold day in December 2007, like a Christmas surprise, on a journey of discovery in a paralell world full of pixels and sensations.
I wandered for months in this virtual world discovering places and people but my first contact with art came about by chance. 

I don't consider myself an artist or a createor, I don't study and rarely look into things in detail, but  rather my 'things'  (I don't like to call them 'works') come together  instinctively.
I work  prims simply using my personal taste in form and colors: 'art' is  another matter!

You won't find notecards explaining my 'things': each person should see in  them whatever their instincts suggest,  the name of each item will give some  clue about the direction I meant their imagination to take when I made the object...

My approach to photography in SL is also instinctive, like the rest of my work... one or two shots at the most, to capture the fleeting feeling. 

To buy my workart this is my gallery:

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Unit Art Friends

Unit Art organize events in colaboration with another groups/sims to expand art with all support that we can give and they can at same time spam their events with our group :) Wellcome my friends and thanks to share you're inside with awsome places and works:

*Metales...Per4mance... O..:
Instalation interactive 3D  Women artists and creators of SL ,expose each for a month in Sim MetaLES..O.. Promoting culture and art in the Metaverse.
(By Ux Hax and Romy Nayar)

*Mysterious Wave:
Sim minimalist , sculptures exhibition on a musical and outstanding atmosphere that inspires creativity .A world apart , must see !
(By Cherry Manga and Anley Pears)

*Dark Tears:
Art Sim ... Gallery... Artworks... Events/////Main store [[..DaRk TeArS..]]
(by JadeYu Fhang)

*MKAC (Museo Karura Art Centre):
El MKAC abre sus puertas con 3 objetivos: promover y promocionar las artes en SL y RL; impulsar a los creativos de SL y  publicitar sus creaciones y dar a conocer el arte universal. Todo ello a través de exposiciones permanentes, temáticas y temporales.
Por todo ello, el Museo Karura Art Centre cede sus instalaciones, gratuitamente, a todos aquellos que deseen utilizarlas para exponer sus obras.
(By Ina Karura)

*Singularity Tribe:
Freedom of expression by Art, Music , Science, Literature, and Podcast
Interested in knowing more? Please visit
(By Alexi Ayres)

*Breil Store:
 Clothes, tatoos and cooperation with art events
(By Eda Breil)

*Gitu Art Studio:
Little gallery for all artists  and art lovers. To share and to relax the mind. This place is always open, so very welcome to come :)
(By Gitu Aura)

*La Morada de Campanilla:
(By Marieli Uriza and Vark Twine)

DIOTIMA R&D es un grupo que tiene como finalidad promover actividades de ocio y cultura.  Cuenta con  Editorial, Librerías -el libro es su elemento  aglutinador y diferenciador-  y   Exposiciones de Arte que monta en sus Galerías, con artistas nacionales e internacionales,  y Ciclos Culturales en su Auditorio, así como Eventos y Fiestas, que organiza continuamente. Dispone tambien en su  sim  de tiendas de arte, de moda y complementos.
(By Red Bikcin and Namarya Xue)

It's a themed market that changes theme every month (for special themes like christmas and
Halloween it will last for 1 month others will last about 2 weeks).
The market will be composed of market stalls in a themed decorated area.
All products sold at our markets will fit the theme. So you will find everything you need from the same
theme in one place! All updates and info will be posted in this group!
(By Taylor Flanagan and Chloe Seljan)

*Schen Art group/Gallery:
Feel free !
-Photography without digital effect
-Djing (Dj sChen)
in moment i play noise/powernoise/industrial in the re:noise club....
Blacklight Deko in RL
more info about me:
(By Schen Resident)

*Hechicera del Mar :
Grupo de Hechicera del Mar, Sitio de  encuentro de españoles y amigos de españa desde 2007 con el local mas original de SL!. Desde  nuetra playa a nuestro laberinto todo tiene su espacio aqui, tiendas a precios increibles y la mejor musica. Nuestro sploder es solo para miembros asi que unete y disfruta de las mejores fiestas  y con el mejor ambiente. spain SOLO FALTAS  TÚ!
(By Lilunai Laurasia and Karmen Karas)

*Two Shores Gallery:
Two Shores Gallery has moved to the Magna Carta sim. My Main Gallery is now open but still under construction. You are welcome to visit and I hope you will come back soon to see it in its finished form. The Guest Artist is up and has two beautiful RL artist exhibits in it now!! Please visit my other exhibit locations from these profile picks. Thanks so much for your interest!!
(By Mathilde Vargon)

*Tanee Photo Studio:
(By Tanee Almendros)

*The Rose Galleries at The Rose Theatre:
The Rose Galleries at The Rose Theatre is home of 11 beautiful galleries. Art in each gallery is rotated each month, giving you a fresh new vision and exposure to the talented artists of SL.
(By Kylie Sabra)

*Galerie Artemis:
Galerie d'Art contemporain
Contemporary Art Gallery
(By Gregory Kappler and Galeriste Duna Gant)


Current Art November-December

~●•MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•●~
          ●• Present •●

~●Magnetic Artist ●~
~Gitu Aura~
~Talullha Winterwolf~

~Gitu Aura~
"Reflections of the thougths"

  " .... i was siting near window...watching outside....the rain drops were falling calm...and gentle....
my mind was far away...i saw your face on the glass...your sad eyes...your deep eyes...they were calling me:
 "come with me..."
  ....i have closed my eyes...but i still saw the same vision - you...

With this my exhibition i wanted to say that around us are so  many    reflections...everywhere and every moment...in the water...in the drops...in the glass...it is not just our reflections, but also reflections of our thoughts...we can't run from it....it is everywhere...we just can enjoy and feel the amazing beauty of the moment .... "

~Talullha Winterwolf~

"Thank you for taking the time to check out my work~

From as far back as I remember  I have had a pencil in my hand  making pictures and stories on any kind of surface available about  the  strange  goings  on in my head :)

These were  always  almost like a private diary to me and I'd never thought  of exhibiting them before Second Life, even though  I was trained in Art College  in Fashion Design and had  my own fashion and design studio . 

My inspirations come from many sources, but the common thread is that all my creative works be it fashion, a photograph or a painting is that  tells a story in some form or other.
Some of the stories are deeply autobiographical, others  could be inspired by a chance  snippet of conversation, an unintentional image caught   in a random photograph, a memory, a  line in a song or book...

In this collection, the majority of works explore dreams,childhood memories and feelings, but each one contains an emotion  I was feeling strongly at the time.
I have tried to capture that feeling in the images., and in doing so have realised that the very effect of layering the images and textures  is suggestive of  the way our memories are layered on top of each other and each whole is the sum of many parts.

At the minute I'm working in photography , and and have a  small  vintage fashion  outlet, but exhibiting in Second Life has inspired me to do so in my other life too

I hope you enjoy exploring each  piece, and thank you for your appreciation!"

Talullah Winterwolf


~MagnetiZe~UnitArt Little History

ⓊniT ⒶrT 
This Group was born  2 years ago with  intention to ofering an open space to all artists in SL. 
 In this terms want to promote their exhibitions and keep art fans with the latest news and openings or inagurations. 
We believe that this is a great free initiative to collaborate with ART with the group,gallery and events organizated in there. 

~●•MagnetiZe~ UniT Art•●~

Music&Art Group for the support,creation and promotion of pure styles in all art and music currents.
~MagnetiZe~Born in fusion with Unit Art group for expand minds away from conventions.
Feel free to explore Unit Art Gallery and MagnetiZe Club with new artists every month and musical performance in hands of the best non commercial Dj's/producers.